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division in these cases showed a preponderance of evil, and efforts were then made to find out if
there were not also another class of people where a different division with a preponderance of
good takes place. It is a pleasure to record that this was found to be the case, and after weighing
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the facts discovered, balancing one with another, the following seems to be a correct description
of the conditions and their reasons:
The vital body aims to build the physical, whereas our desires and emotions tear down. It is the
struggle between the vital body and the desire body which produces consciousness in the
Physical World, and which hardens the tissues so that the soft body of the child gradually
becomes tough and shrunken in old age, followed by death. The morality or immorality of our
desires and emotions acts in a similar manner on the vital body. Where devotion to high ideals is
the mainspring to action, where the devotional nature has been allowed for years to express itself
freely and frequently, and particularly where this has been accomplished by the scientific
exercises of Retrospection and Concentration, the quantity of the chemical and life ethers
gradually diminishes as the animal appetites vanish, and an increased amount of the light and
reflecting ether takes their place. As a consequence, the physical health is not as robust among
people who follow the higher path as among people whose indulgence of the lower nature
attracts the chemical and life ethers, in proportion to the extent and nature of their vice, to the
partial or total exclusion of the two higher ethers.
Several very important consequences connected with death follow this fact. As it is the
chemical ether which cements the molecules of the body in their places and keeps them there
during life, when only a minimum of this material is present, disintegration of the physical
vehicle after death must by very rapid. This the writer has not been able to verify because it is
difficult to find men of high spiritual proclivities who have passed out recently, but it would
seem that this is so from the fact recorded in the Bible that the body of Christ was not found in
the tomb when the people came to look for it. As we have said before in relation to this matter,
the Christ spiritualized the body of Jesus so highly, made it so vibrant, that it was almost
impossible to keep the particles in place during His ministry. As stated before, a worldly life
increases the proportion of the lower ethers in the vital body to that of the higher. Where, in
addition, a so-called "clean life" is lived and excesses avoided, the health during life is more
robust than that of the aspirant to the higher life, because the latter's attitude to life builds a vital
body composed principally of the higher ethers. He loves "the bread of life" more than physical
sustenance and therefore his instrument becomes increasingly high-strung, nervous, and delicate,
a sensitive conditions which greatly furthers the objects of the Spirit, but which is a hardship
from the physical viewpoint.
In the majority of mankind there is such a preponderance of selfishness and a desire to get the
most out of life as they view that matter, that either they are busy keeping the wolf from the door
or accumulating possessions and taking care of them, and hence they have very little time or
inclination to undertake the soul culture so necessary to true success in life.
Therefore there is so little that persists in each life of the majority and evolution is so
frightfully slow that until one is able to view the act of death from the higher regions of the
World of Concrete Thought and, so to say, look downwards, it does not appear that anything is
saved of the vital body. This body seems to return complete to the physical body and hover over
the grave, there to disintegrate simultaneously with the latter. As a matter of fact, an increasing
part cleaves to the higher vehicles and goes with them into the desire world, there to be a basis of
consciousness in, and to live through, the purgatorial and heaven lives, generally persisting until
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man enters the second heaven and unites with the nature forces there in his efforts to create for
himself a new environment. By that time, it has been absorbed by the spirit or almost so, and
whatever may remain of a material nature will quickly fade away.
But there are some people who are of such an evil nature that they ENJOY a life spent in vice
and degenerate practices, a brutal life, and who delight in giving pain. Sometimes they even
cultivate the occult arts for evil purposes so that they may have a greater power over their
victims. Then their fiendish, immoral practices result in hardening their vital body.
In such extreme cases where the animal nature has been paramount, where there has been no
soul expression in the preceding Earth life, the division in the vital body spoken of before cannot
take place at death, for there is no dividing line. In such a case, if the vital body should gravitate
back to the dense body and there gradually disintegrate, the effect of a very evil life would not be
so far-reaching, but unfortunately there is in such cases an interlocking grip of the vital and the
desire bodies which prevents separation. We have seen that where a man lives mostly in the
higher nature, his spiritual vehicles are nourished to the detriment of the lower. Conversely,
where his consciousness is centered in the lower vehicles, he strengthens them immeasurably. It
should be understood that the life of the desire body is not terminated by the departure of the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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