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other services to be found in Addan as well. Healers
Valis, Alania, and Kannon. The mountain pass from
are easy to find, and as always, the temples of Marfa
Novice comes in to Addan from the north, brining
and Valis do provide their services (but please,
travelers from northern Alania. The road from
always give an offering or donation).
Shinning Hill brings travels from Kannon, and from
Guilds: By far, the Merchants' Guild has the greatest
southern Alania. Though the shortest route to Alania
obviously influence in Addan. Some say the
is due east through the Forest of No Return, few dare
Merchants' Guild (and its rivals, the Workers' Guild,
to challenge the enchanted forest.
Traders' Guild, and Farmers' Guild) call the shots
As important as it is, Addan is guarded by
around town. These guilds do openly compete with
three major fortresses, acting as a buffer zone
each other for power, real estate, and market share,
between Valis and Marmo occupied Kannon. Marmo
and it can turn ugly. The Mages' Guild and
forces besieged several of the towns and villages
Mercenaries' Guild also have branches in Addan.
surrounding Addan, but the fortresses of Addan were
The Thieves' Guild controls Addan's thriving
able to slow the Marmo advance. The final battle
underworld, and can be located on a successful PRE
between King Fahn and Beld took place in the
+ Streetwise vs. 20 roll.
mountain passes between Addan and Shinning Hill.
Commerce: Addan is strategically located between
Valis, Kannon, and Alania. Anyone wished to travel
Central Mountains
The Central Mountains of Lodoss begin 50
kilometers northeast of Roid, but spread out so as to
Lesmoa is the greatest city in southern Valis.
cover much of central Lodoss. The mountains are
It sits close to the northwestern board of Kannon, but
difficult and nearly impassable in places, and travel
does not see as much incoming trade from Kannon
time is restricted to just 5 kilometers a day when
as Addan does. Traders and travelers from western
crossing these mountains.
Kannon take the route through Lesmoa on their way
Traveling between Valis and Flaim, it is often
to Valis, but ruthless bandits and robbers plague the
easier to just go around the mountains on the
road leading into Lesmoa. Travels should be wary of
western side. However, traveling between Valis and
these, and prepared in case of an attack. Lesmoa is
Alania, one must cross through the mountains. The
60 kilometers south of Roid, and just 40 kilometers
only other paths between Valis and Alania is through
from Valis's southern boarder (and there are several
the Forest of No Return or far to the south through
smaller towns between Lesmoa and the border).
Marmo occupied Kannon. Fortunately, there is a
Four fortresses guard the southern boarder
good mountain pass leading northeast from the city
of Valis (marked by a small river that flows off the
of Addan into Alania. Though this pass is difficult and
nearby mountains), 30 kilometers south of Lesmoa.
treacherous, it is far easier than other passes. On a
Two of these forts were destroyed by Marmo attacks,
good day, a traveler can make 15 kilometers a day.
but have since been rebuilt and are now fully armed
There are many dangers in the Central
and manned. These forts stand guard against the
Mountains. Griffins live on some of the mountain
dark armies of Marmo occupied Kannon.
peaks, but are of no real threat. If you are lucky, you
Commerce: Before the Marmo invasion, most of the
might spot one flying majestically through the sky
commerce in Lesmoa came from merchants and
above. Griffins will not attack unless provoked, or
caravans passing between Valis and western
unless they think their nest is threatened.
Kannon. After the invasion of Kannon, commerce
Giants also roam the Central Mountains.
between Valis and Kannon was completely halted.
Though rarely seen, these giants are strong and
Lesmoa has one major market located in the Town
formidable. They seem to live in the inner most
Square. Nearly everything is for sale here, from
regions of the Central Mountains, and there are
weapons and armor, to fresh produce, to handcrafted
rumors of a great City of Giants high up on mountain
goods. Barter is also more accepted in Lesmoa than
in other major merchant towns like Addan
Bandits and robbers are the biggest threat to
Religion: The shrine of Marfa is the largest religious
travelers who make the journey through the main
center in Lesmoa, and there is a very good hospital
pass. The bandits who prowl the pass will rarely
run by the priests. The hospital was initially
attack a large, well armed party, but small groups or
established to help the injured soldiers and citizens
poorly armed parties can fall pray to these bandits.
fleeing Kannon during the Marmo invasion, but the
Bandits have been known to attack caravans from
hospital is still servers the sick, injured, and dying.
time to time, and many merchants hire mercenaries
Services: There are many bed and breakfast inn
to help protect their caravans traveling through the
scattered about Lesmoa, and all offer a fair price and
Central Mountains.
a wide range of services. Taverns in Lesmoa is
about the only place where you find any action, but
be careful as some taverns are less open to Holy River
foreigners than others. For a good ale and wild night, The Holy River runs down from the Central
adventurous travelers should drop by the Bloody Axe, Mountains, southwest toward Roid. As the river
the Broken Arm, or Eric's Ale 'n Inn. nears the sea, it quickly widens out and the water
Guilds: The Merchants' Guild and Traders' Guild flows along slowly and gracefully. Roid was built on
both have a strong influence in Lesmoa, which the western shore of the Holy River, just north of the
causes problems at times. The Mages' Guild is Delta. The Port of Roid is actually on the Holy River,
practically non-existent, aside from a small house and not the Southern Sea. Ships going to Roid must
where a very old and weak "wizard" maintains a travel past the Great Delta Island and several
pitiful little library of insignificant books. The kilometers up the wide river to the port.
Mercenaries' Guild as a fine office in Lesmoa, but The Holy River is clean and clear, and many
after the war ended, they lost most of their business. sailing vessels from all across Lodoss can be seen
The Thieves' Guild is busy at work in Lesmoa as well, making their way to or from the Port of Roid. The
and can be located on a successful PRE + Holy River is one of the busiest waterways in Lodoss.
Streetwise vs. 22 roll.
Emperor Beld judged Alania to be an impotent force,
Great Delta Island
and concentrated his efforts on Kannon and Valis.
The Delta of the Holy River is spotted with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl karpacz24.htw.pl
other services to be found in Addan as well. Healers
Valis, Alania, and Kannon. The mountain pass from
are easy to find, and as always, the temples of Marfa
Novice comes in to Addan from the north, brining
and Valis do provide their services (but please,
travelers from northern Alania. The road from
always give an offering or donation).
Shinning Hill brings travels from Kannon, and from
Guilds: By far, the Merchants' Guild has the greatest
southern Alania. Though the shortest route to Alania
obviously influence in Addan. Some say the
is due east through the Forest of No Return, few dare
Merchants' Guild (and its rivals, the Workers' Guild,
to challenge the enchanted forest.
Traders' Guild, and Farmers' Guild) call the shots
As important as it is, Addan is guarded by
around town. These guilds do openly compete with
three major fortresses, acting as a buffer zone
each other for power, real estate, and market share,
between Valis and Marmo occupied Kannon. Marmo
and it can turn ugly. The Mages' Guild and
forces besieged several of the towns and villages
Mercenaries' Guild also have branches in Addan.
surrounding Addan, but the fortresses of Addan were
The Thieves' Guild controls Addan's thriving
able to slow the Marmo advance. The final battle
underworld, and can be located on a successful PRE
between King Fahn and Beld took place in the
+ Streetwise vs. 20 roll.
mountain passes between Addan and Shinning Hill.
Commerce: Addan is strategically located between
Valis, Kannon, and Alania. Anyone wished to travel
Central Mountains
The Central Mountains of Lodoss begin 50
kilometers northeast of Roid, but spread out so as to
Lesmoa is the greatest city in southern Valis.
cover much of central Lodoss. The mountains are
It sits close to the northwestern board of Kannon, but
difficult and nearly impassable in places, and travel
does not see as much incoming trade from Kannon
time is restricted to just 5 kilometers a day when
as Addan does. Traders and travelers from western
crossing these mountains.
Kannon take the route through Lesmoa on their way
Traveling between Valis and Flaim, it is often
to Valis, but ruthless bandits and robbers plague the
easier to just go around the mountains on the
road leading into Lesmoa. Travels should be wary of
western side. However, traveling between Valis and
these, and prepared in case of an attack. Lesmoa is
Alania, one must cross through the mountains. The
60 kilometers south of Roid, and just 40 kilometers
only other paths between Valis and Alania is through
from Valis's southern boarder (and there are several
the Forest of No Return or far to the south through
smaller towns between Lesmoa and the border).
Marmo occupied Kannon. Fortunately, there is a
Four fortresses guard the southern boarder
good mountain pass leading northeast from the city
of Valis (marked by a small river that flows off the
of Addan into Alania. Though this pass is difficult and
nearby mountains), 30 kilometers south of Lesmoa.
treacherous, it is far easier than other passes. On a
Two of these forts were destroyed by Marmo attacks,
good day, a traveler can make 15 kilometers a day.
but have since been rebuilt and are now fully armed
There are many dangers in the Central
and manned. These forts stand guard against the
Mountains. Griffins live on some of the mountain
dark armies of Marmo occupied Kannon.
peaks, but are of no real threat. If you are lucky, you
Commerce: Before the Marmo invasion, most of the
might spot one flying majestically through the sky
commerce in Lesmoa came from merchants and
above. Griffins will not attack unless provoked, or
caravans passing between Valis and western
unless they think their nest is threatened.
Kannon. After the invasion of Kannon, commerce
Giants also roam the Central Mountains.
between Valis and Kannon was completely halted.
Though rarely seen, these giants are strong and
Lesmoa has one major market located in the Town
formidable. They seem to live in the inner most
Square. Nearly everything is for sale here, from
regions of the Central Mountains, and there are
weapons and armor, to fresh produce, to handcrafted
rumors of a great City of Giants high up on mountain
goods. Barter is also more accepted in Lesmoa than
in other major merchant towns like Addan
Bandits and robbers are the biggest threat to
Religion: The shrine of Marfa is the largest religious
travelers who make the journey through the main
center in Lesmoa, and there is a very good hospital
pass. The bandits who prowl the pass will rarely
run by the priests. The hospital was initially
attack a large, well armed party, but small groups or
established to help the injured soldiers and citizens
poorly armed parties can fall pray to these bandits.
fleeing Kannon during the Marmo invasion, but the
Bandits have been known to attack caravans from
hospital is still servers the sick, injured, and dying.
time to time, and many merchants hire mercenaries
Services: There are many bed and breakfast inn
to help protect their caravans traveling through the
scattered about Lesmoa, and all offer a fair price and
Central Mountains.
a wide range of services. Taverns in Lesmoa is
about the only place where you find any action, but
be careful as some taverns are less open to Holy River
foreigners than others. For a good ale and wild night, The Holy River runs down from the Central
adventurous travelers should drop by the Bloody Axe, Mountains, southwest toward Roid. As the river
the Broken Arm, or Eric's Ale 'n Inn. nears the sea, it quickly widens out and the water
Guilds: The Merchants' Guild and Traders' Guild flows along slowly and gracefully. Roid was built on
both have a strong influence in Lesmoa, which the western shore of the Holy River, just north of the
causes problems at times. The Mages' Guild is Delta. The Port of Roid is actually on the Holy River,
practically non-existent, aside from a small house and not the Southern Sea. Ships going to Roid must
where a very old and weak "wizard" maintains a travel past the Great Delta Island and several
pitiful little library of insignificant books. The kilometers up the wide river to the port.
Mercenaries' Guild as a fine office in Lesmoa, but The Holy River is clean and clear, and many
after the war ended, they lost most of their business. sailing vessels from all across Lodoss can be seen
The Thieves' Guild is busy at work in Lesmoa as well, making their way to or from the Port of Roid. The
and can be located on a successful PRE + Holy River is one of the busiest waterways in Lodoss.
Streetwise vs. 22 roll.
Emperor Beld judged Alania to be an impotent force,
Great Delta Island
and concentrated his efforts on Kannon and Valis.
The Delta of the Holy River is spotted with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]