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31. Carter T, Sterling-Levis K, Ow K, Doughty L, drome in mice. Arthritis Rheum 21:S64 S67.
Hattarki M, Shapira D, Hewish D, Kortt AA, 42. Reilly CM, Gilkeson GS. 2002. Use of genetic knock-
Russell PJ. 2004. Biodistributions of intact mono- outs to modulate disease expression in a murine
clonal antibodies and fragments of BLCA-38, a new model of lupus. MRL/lpr mice. Immunol Res 25:
prostate cancer directed antibody. Cancer Immunol 143 153.
Immunother 53:533 542. 43. Newkirk MM, Novick J, Stevenson MM, Fournier
32. Vugmeyster Y, Szklut P, Tchistiakova L, Abraham MJ, Apostolakos P. 1996. Differential clearance of
W, Kasaian M, Xu X. 2008. Preclinical pharma- glycoforms of IgG in normal and autoimmune-prone
cokinetics, interspecies scaling, and tissue distri- mice. Clin Exp Immunol 106:259 264.
bution of humanized monoclonal anti-IL-13 44. Zhou J, Pop LM, Ghetie V. 2005. Hypercatabolism
antibodies with different IL-13 neutralization of IgG in mice with lupus-like syndrome. Lupus
mechanisms. Int Immunopharmacol 8:477 483. 14:458 466.
45. Rojas JR, Taylor RP, Cunningham MR, Rutkoski 52. Pan W, Hsuchou H, Yu C, Kastin AJ. 2008. Permea-
TJ, Vennarini J, Jang H, Graham MA, Geboes K, tion of blood-borne IL15 across the blood-brain
Rousselle SD, Wagner CL. 2005. Formation, barrier and the effect of LPS. J Neurochem 106:
distribution, and elimination of infliximab and 313 319.
anti-infliximab immune complexes in cynomolgus 53. Pan W, Kastin AJ, Yu Y, Cain CM, Fairburn T,
monkeys. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 313:578 585. Stutz AM, Morrison C, Argyropoulos G. 2005.
46. Ramasamy R, Vannucci SJ, Yan SS, Herold K, Yan Selective tissue uptake of agouti-related pro-
SF, Schmidt AM. 2005. Advanced glycation end tein(82 131) and its modulation by fasting. Endo-
products and RAGE: A common thread in aging, crinology 146: 5533 5539.
diabetes, neurodegeneration, and inflammation. 54. Cauza K, Hinterhuber G, Dingelmaier-Hovorka R,
Glycobiology 15:16R 28R. Brugger K, Klosner G, Horvat R, Wolff K,
47. Basta G, Lazzerini G, Massaro M, Simoncini T, Foedinger D. 2005. Expression of FcRn, the MHC
Tanganelli P, Fu C, Kislinger T, Stern DM, Schmidt class I-related receptor for IgG, in human
AM, De Caterina R. 2002. Advanced glycation keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol 124:132 139.
end products activate endothelium through sig- 55. Hamers-Casterman C, Atarhouch T, Muyldermans
nal-transduction receptor RAGE: A mechanism S, Robinson G, Hamers C, Songa EB, Bendahman
for amplification of inflammatory responses. Circu- N, Hamers R. 1993. Naturally occurring anti-
lation 105:816 822. bodies devoid of light chains. Nature 363:446
48. Katsuoka F, Kawakami Y, Arai T, Imuta H, Fuji- 448.
wara M, Kanma H, Yamashita K. 1997. Type II 56. Greenberg AS, Avila D, Hughes M, Hughes A,
alveolar epithelial cells in lung express receptor for McKinney EC, Flajnik MF. 1995. A new antigen
advanced glycation end products (RAGE) gene. receptor gene family that undergoes rearrange-
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 238:512 516. ment and extensive somatic diversification in
49. Shirasawa M, Fujiwara N, Hirabayashi S, Ohno H, sharks. Nature 374:168 173.
Iida J, Makita K, Hata Y. 2004. Receptor for 57. Burge DJ, Bookbinder SA, Kivitz AJ, Fleischmann
advanced glycation end-products is a marker of type RM, Shu C, Bannink J. 2008. Pharmacokinetic and
I lung alveolar cells. Genes Cells 9:165 174. pharmacodynamic properties of TRU-015, a CD20-
50. Bopp C, Bierhaus A, Hofer S, Bouchon A, Nawroth directed small modular immunopharmaceutical
PP, Martin E, Weigand MA. 2008. Bench-to-bedside protein therapeutic, in patients with rheumatoid
review: The inflammation-perpetuating pattern- arthritis: A Phase I, open-label, dose-escalation
recognition receptor RAGE as a therapeutic target clinical study. Clin Ther 30:1806 1816.
in sepsis. Crit Care 12:201. 58. Poljak RJ. 1994. Production and structure of
51. Mukherjee TK, Mukhopadhyay S, Hoidal JR. 2008. diabodies. Structure 2:1121 1123.
Implication of receptor for advanced glycation end 59. Marvin JS, Zhu Z. 2005. Recombinant approaches
product (RAGE) in pulmonary health and patho- to IgG-like bispecific antibodies. Acta Pharmacol
physiology. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 162:210 215. Sin 26:649 658.
DOI 10.1002/jps JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, VOL. 99, NO. 2, FEBUARY 2010 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl karpacz24.htw.pl
31. Carter T, Sterling-Levis K, Ow K, Doughty L, drome in mice. Arthritis Rheum 21:S64 S67.
Hattarki M, Shapira D, Hewish D, Kortt AA, 42. Reilly CM, Gilkeson GS. 2002. Use of genetic knock-
Russell PJ. 2004. Biodistributions of intact mono- outs to modulate disease expression in a murine
clonal antibodies and fragments of BLCA-38, a new model of lupus. MRL/lpr mice. Immunol Res 25:
prostate cancer directed antibody. Cancer Immunol 143 153.
Immunother 53:533 542. 43. Newkirk MM, Novick J, Stevenson MM, Fournier
32. Vugmeyster Y, Szklut P, Tchistiakova L, Abraham MJ, Apostolakos P. 1996. Differential clearance of
W, Kasaian M, Xu X. 2008. Preclinical pharma- glycoforms of IgG in normal and autoimmune-prone
cokinetics, interspecies scaling, and tissue distri- mice. Clin Exp Immunol 106:259 264.
bution of humanized monoclonal anti-IL-13 44. Zhou J, Pop LM, Ghetie V. 2005. Hypercatabolism
antibodies with different IL-13 neutralization of IgG in mice with lupus-like syndrome. Lupus
mechanisms. Int Immunopharmacol 8:477 483. 14:458 466.
45. Rojas JR, Taylor RP, Cunningham MR, Rutkoski 52. Pan W, Hsuchou H, Yu C, Kastin AJ. 2008. Permea-
TJ, Vennarini J, Jang H, Graham MA, Geboes K, tion of blood-borne IL15 across the blood-brain
Rousselle SD, Wagner CL. 2005. Formation, barrier and the effect of LPS. J Neurochem 106:
distribution, and elimination of infliximab and 313 319.
anti-infliximab immune complexes in cynomolgus 53. Pan W, Kastin AJ, Yu Y, Cain CM, Fairburn T,
monkeys. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 313:578 585. Stutz AM, Morrison C, Argyropoulos G. 2005.
46. Ramasamy R, Vannucci SJ, Yan SS, Herold K, Yan Selective tissue uptake of agouti-related pro-
SF, Schmidt AM. 2005. Advanced glycation end tein(82 131) and its modulation by fasting. Endo-
products and RAGE: A common thread in aging, crinology 146: 5533 5539.
diabetes, neurodegeneration, and inflammation. 54. Cauza K, Hinterhuber G, Dingelmaier-Hovorka R,
Glycobiology 15:16R 28R. Brugger K, Klosner G, Horvat R, Wolff K,
47. Basta G, Lazzerini G, Massaro M, Simoncini T, Foedinger D. 2005. Expression of FcRn, the MHC
Tanganelli P, Fu C, Kislinger T, Stern DM, Schmidt class I-related receptor for IgG, in human
AM, De Caterina R. 2002. Advanced glycation keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol 124:132 139.
end products activate endothelium through sig- 55. Hamers-Casterman C, Atarhouch T, Muyldermans
nal-transduction receptor RAGE: A mechanism S, Robinson G, Hamers C, Songa EB, Bendahman
for amplification of inflammatory responses. Circu- N, Hamers R. 1993. Naturally occurring anti-
lation 105:816 822. bodies devoid of light chains. Nature 363:446
48. Katsuoka F, Kawakami Y, Arai T, Imuta H, Fuji- 448.
wara M, Kanma H, Yamashita K. 1997. Type II 56. Greenberg AS, Avila D, Hughes M, Hughes A,
alveolar epithelial cells in lung express receptor for McKinney EC, Flajnik MF. 1995. A new antigen
advanced glycation end products (RAGE) gene. receptor gene family that undergoes rearrange-
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 238:512 516. ment and extensive somatic diversification in
49. Shirasawa M, Fujiwara N, Hirabayashi S, Ohno H, sharks. Nature 374:168 173.
Iida J, Makita K, Hata Y. 2004. Receptor for 57. Burge DJ, Bookbinder SA, Kivitz AJ, Fleischmann
advanced glycation end-products is a marker of type RM, Shu C, Bannink J. 2008. Pharmacokinetic and
I lung alveolar cells. Genes Cells 9:165 174. pharmacodynamic properties of TRU-015, a CD20-
50. Bopp C, Bierhaus A, Hofer S, Bouchon A, Nawroth directed small modular immunopharmaceutical
PP, Martin E, Weigand MA. 2008. Bench-to-bedside protein therapeutic, in patients with rheumatoid
review: The inflammation-perpetuating pattern- arthritis: A Phase I, open-label, dose-escalation
recognition receptor RAGE as a therapeutic target clinical study. Clin Ther 30:1806 1816.
in sepsis. Crit Care 12:201. 58. Poljak RJ. 1994. Production and structure of
51. Mukherjee TK, Mukhopadhyay S, Hoidal JR. 2008. diabodies. Structure 2:1121 1123.
Implication of receptor for advanced glycation end 59. Marvin JS, Zhu Z. 2005. Recombinant approaches
product (RAGE) in pulmonary health and patho- to IgG-like bispecific antibodies. Acta Pharmacol
physiology. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 162:210 215. Sin 26:649 658.
DOI 10.1002/jps JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, VOL. 99, NO. 2, FEBUARY 2010 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]